God’s Birthing Place



I awoke this morning feeling heavy with uncertainty.  So uncomfortable with the unknown.  Wondering what is next.  This new empty space feels so unfamiliar…even foreign – So BIG.

I find myself wanting to fill the void with something, anything.  I find myself judging the void stillness makes.

I feel my body constrict and then tears of release, a letting go flow.  I breathe deep and feel this nothingness expand around me.

I’m reminded this is the space I created with my willingness to let go of the old and make room for the new.  The expansiveness I feel is the fruit of my labor.   My heart is full of gratitude and my mind is open.  I whisper a thank you…

In this space are my dreams, my desires.  I can see them.   I can feel them on the inhale, just waiting to be exhaled.

And, then I am startled by this thought that arrives on its own from a place now familiar.  This nothingness, this space is where God creates.  It is God’s Birthing Place…..

The Comfort of Fall

The Comfort of Fall

Fall has arrived!  I was going to say fall is my favorite time of year.  And, then a small voice said, “No it isn’t”.   I realize I’ve come to appreciate every season equally.

The wind feels different in the fall, don’t you think?  It has a heavier, soothing, caressing texture, like a favorite blanket.

The fall’s light falls on my body differently – not as intense.  I can easily and with comfort turn my face into it, soaking up the rays that nourish my body and spirit.

Autumn is comfortable.  The colors comfort.  The air is comfortable.  It invites a comfortable pace – a slowing down.   All of nature sighs….Ahhhhhh.

In these times of stress and chaos unfolding around us, fall reminds us to take a deep, luscious breath.  It reminds us to take time to get out of our mind and perceive with the senses all the beauty, abundance and peace surrounding us.  It reminds us to take time to soothe our wounds.

Bring into your being the peace this season is bringing. Take a breath with nature.  Soak it in.  Let it fortify and strengthen you.  Let it heal you.

Be good to yourself.  The best thing you can do for the world right now is take good care of yourself.  You cannot give away what you do not have; and what you have you are giving to the world either consciously or unconsiously.

Fall brings comfort in many ways.  Can you say “Comfort Food”?  I’m making one of my favorite fall recipes today and I thought of you.  I hope you enjoy this as much as I’m going to.

May you find comfort and peace in all seasons of life,

Chef Gail

Comfort Stew

2 tablespoon  Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1 tablespoon butter (or more olive oil for vegan version)
2 leeks, clean and chopped with a little of the green part
2 shallots, minced
1 cup button or baby bella mushrooms, roughly chopped
1 teaspoon fresh chopped rosemary (or ½ tsp dried)
1 teaspoon fresh chopped tarragon (or ½ tsp dried)
3 tablespoon oat or rice flour
¼ cup dry white wine, optional (chardonnay is good)
1 ½ cup vegetable stock, give or talk (I love organic Better Than Bouillon concentrate in a jar)
¾ cup organic milk (So Delicious coconut milk beverage, unsweetened for vegan version)
2 tablespoon of nutritional yeast (optional for a richer broth and adds more protein)
2 dashes fresh grated nutmeg (or ground)
1 teaspoon sea salt and cracked pepper or to taste
1 bunch collard greens, chopped (boil or sauté until just tender and still bright green)
1 can black eyed peas, drained and rinsed
2 cups cubed butternut squash, prepared (sweet potatoes works well too)

Preheat large skillet over medium high (I love to use my huge iron skillet for this).  Add butter and oil and swirl to coat skillet.  Add mushrooms, shallots and leeks to hot skillet with a dash of sea salt.  Sauté for about 3 minutes then add herbs.  Stir frequently until leeks are translucent and mushrooms have released their moisture (5-7 minutes total).

Add flour to mixture stirring for a minute until well blended.  Deglaze pan with wine and simmer for a minute.  Add broth and bring to high simmer.  Gradually add milk stirring constantly until sauce is thickening.  Stir in nutritional yeast and nutmeg.  Add salt and pepper to taste.   Fold in collards. peas and sweet potatoes.

Serve with a rustic, crusty cornbread (recipe below), polenta or quinoa.

Classic Iron Skillet Cornbread
Gluten-free, Diabetic Friendly with Vegan Option

1 cup stoneground organic cornmeal
½ cup polenta (coarse ground grits)
½ cup oat flour (replace ¼ cup oat with ¼ cup tapioca flour for lighter texture)
¼ teaspoon xanthan gum, optional (Replaces gluten so the cornbread holds together better)
½ teaspoon baking soda
2 teaspoon baking powder
½ teaspoon sea salt
2 tablespoon pure maple syrup (or powdered Stevia for non-sugar version)
1 egg gently beaten (or egg replacer for vegan version)*
½ cup organic applesauce (unsweetened)
1 ½ cups more or less of buttermilk (or unsweetened, plant-based milk for vegan version)
Note:  If using plain milk add 1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar to milk
1 tablespoon grass-fed butter (Earth Balance for vegan version)

Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees.   Place iron skillet** in oven while preheating and mixing together ingredients.

In large bowl mix together dry ingredients.  In another bowl, whisk together all wet ingredients. Add wet ingredients to dry, mixing until just blended.  Do not over mix or you will have flat bread.  Batter should be very thick but pourable.

Add butter to hot skillet and tilt to evenly coat the bottom and sides. Pour batter evenly into skillet.  Place skillet on center rack in oven and bake for about 35 minutes or until golden on top and a toothpick comes out clean.  Allow to cool for about 10 minutes before cutting.  (Remove bread from iron skillet before cutting!).

*Vegan Version Egg Replacer; 2 tablespoon ground flaxseed mixed with 4 tablespoon water.  Let stand for a few minutes until thickened.

**Note:  You can use a muffin tin, glass or metal pan for this recipe.  However; a good iron skillet is an excellent source of iron for a plant-based diet.  When it is well seasoned it is virtually “non-stick” and a joy to cook with.

photo credit/Karen Guthrie

Curious if a Food IS Talking Intuitive Food Compatibility
Session with The Intuitive Chef can help you?  Schedule a “No Charge” 15 minute exploratory session here: https://www.foodrevelation.com/schedule/

Gail’s “Intuitive Chef” journey began unfolding in 2009 as a plant-based chef.  foodRevelation.com, birthed in 2011 was the natural result of following her creative passion – recipe creation and cooking.

Shortly thereafter, she experienced a “spiritual awakening” and discovered her intuitive and spiritual gifts.  As a food and medical intuitive, she has helped hundreds all over the U.S. and Canada remember their God-given health and in-born intuition through private sessions, private and public cooking classes and workshops.

Many revelations have been revealed along the way.  Her latest book, “Quinoa Cookbook Journey” (see link below) is the first book in a series entitled “Evolution of FREE Health”. It provides a gentle and tasty glimpse into these revelations and the resulting experiences.  Being revealed next in this series is, “The 7 Missing Links to Abundant Health”.

Gail currently lives in a small town in North Texas with her furry friends Molly and Mo.  In addition to the joy of cooking and recipe creation, she finds great pleasure in long leisurely meals with family and friends, reading, writing; quiet walks in nature and sleeping under the stars.


For more about Intuitive Chef Gail – https://www.foodrevelation.com/about/


Getting to the Message Behind the Thought….

“The greatest challenge to health are the subconscious thoughts that oppose it.”

The other day someone on Facebook reached out for help.  Her question was basically, “How can I change negative beliefs into positive ones; retrain the brain to accept positivity and to not reject the very gifts that one is asking for?”

That’s my sign!  This question prompted it was time to go more in depth with the Evolution of Free Health’s “2nd Missing Link to Abundant Health”

Our body is a reflection of what we eat and “think”.

In my work over the years, it has been made very clear, when it comes to abundant health, what we think is way more important than what we eat.   It doesn’t matter how healthy the food is if our thoughts are toxic.

This explains why some people seem to do everything wrong (according to the experts) and never get sick and some do everything right and end up with chronic disease.  Some people will say to this, “See!  It doesn’t matter what you eat”.   And, they would be right in a sense.

The most important factor in health is happiness.  When the energy of what we eat and think is in alignment with the energy of happiness and health – health is the natural result.  Chronic dis-ease is not natural.

Why is what we think so important?  All bodies in nature thrive in perfect balance (the topic of The 3rd Missing Link to Abundant Health).  BTW, you can keep up with this evolving book on my Facebook page here https://www.facebook.com/evolutionoffreehealth/ .

Stress creates excess acid in the body.  This creates a toxic condition.  The body cannot release toxins, hydrant effectively or absorb nutrients when in an acidic state.  The body becomes malnourished. The belly becomes fat from all the stored toxins it cannot safely release.

Science is now proving stress plays huge role in creating disease and our ability to heal.  Don’t just take my word for it.  I am so elated to finally see more and more mainstream conversation about what I know intuitively.

Read here what the former Surgeon General said about stress in the September 2017 issue of National Geographic:  http://www.nationalgeographic.com/magazine/2017/09/three-questions-vivek-murthy/

Okay, you get the picture.  So how do you change your negative thoughts into positive ones?  Let me tell you a story…

Early in 2011, I was pushed to a breaking point.  I lost my job 3 months after buying a house.  I was depressed.  My blood pressure was out of control.  I was tired of the fungus I had been battling for 5 years.  I was tired of being alone.  I was tired of being broke.  I was tired of being unhappy.  I was tired ya’ll!  Instead of giving up,  I began to seriously search for the root of my unhappiness.  I intuitively knew somehow it was locked inside me and so was the key.

My rock bottom (and I hear this all the time), ended up being the best thing that ever happened to me. It was the beginning of a magical journey and I am so grateful!

In late 2011, I started to become aware I was receiving divine guidance. I experienced an “awakening” (a higher awareness).  I started receiving regular but random “pops” in my left ear.  It took me little bit to figure out what this was.  It was Spirit telling me to pay attention to my thoughts.  I was often not aware of what I was thinking.  Can you relate?

Let me just mention here, I’ve come to realize these miraculous bodies we have been given not only let us experience life they are also our “conduit” to Source. Spirit talks to me in many ways.  I am especially fond of the pop in my ear.  Pay attention to your body!  Dis-ease is one way we receive messages (Louise Hayes who just passed brought this revelation to us many years ago with her book “You can Heal Your Life”.

Not too long ago I received another understanding of the message “pay attention to my thoughts” Guidance had sent.  It was just a subtle shift, but a huge aha!  I was being told to “give my thoughts attention”.   I assumed guidance was just making me aware of my negative thinking so I could consciously discard it and replace it with what I wanted.  NO!  The thought wanted my full attention.  It had something to say.  It was bringing something to my awareness I was not aware of.

I’m getting this message as I write this.  The best I could do at the time was just become of aware of my thinking.  I was not ready yet to receive the messages my thoughts were sending.  One step at a time…

Habits are created and broken in as little as 3 weeks.  If replacing my negative thoughts with positive ones was all there was to creating a happy, abundant life I would be blissed out already!

My chronic negative thinking was not just a bad habit.  It was bringing into focus what was running in the background of my subconscious mind.

It takes chronic knocking sometimes to get our attention.  Many of us learned a long time ago not to pay attention to our thoughts or emotions.  We were told to “pay attention” to the teacher.  “Stop day dreaming”.  “Thinking will get you in trouble”. “WHAT were you thinking?”  We learned that thinking is BAD!

Many have also learned that “feeling” is bad.  How many grew up with, “I’ll give you something to cry about”.  Or, “Big boys don’t cry.”  In a nutshell we’ve learned not to give our thoughts or emotions the time of day.

By the way, 2 of the greatest books and easiest reads I’ve run across on undoing our old programming are written by Don Miguel Ruiz – The Four Agreements and The Voice of Knowledge.

Just changing your thoughts will not create the change in your life you want if you still have thoughts and beliefs running in the background opposing your best intentions.   These thoughts want a voice.  They want your attention.  Until you oblige, they will continue to knock on your door and control your journey like a backseat driver.  If they don’t get your mental attention, they will knock on your physical body and create chronic dis-ease.  Nothing gets our attention faster than physical pain.

The following are the steps I now take whenever I’m personally triggered or tweaked and my thoughts around the triggering event are constant and unrelenting.  THAT’S MY SIGN something is happening “FOR ME”.   It’s time to pay attention and receive the message.

These steps have led me to the realization that everything and I mean everything is serving a Good purpose no matter what it looks like on the surface.  Each event contains a message and a gift.  Often times it is bringing multiple gifts.  The biggest gift – “The peace that surpasses all human understanding”.

Here is how it works for me.  I invite you to give it a shot.  What do you have to lose?

#1 – As soon as I recognize I am “feeling” anxious, upset, mad, frustrated or my body feels constricted in any way I STOP, BREATHE and check my “thinking”

#2 – Once I locate the thought that caused the feeling…

  1. I acknowledge the thought. “I see you”, “I hear you”.  This creates space for the thought.  My “attention” respects and honors the thought.  I allow the feeling that comes with the thought.
  2. Then I ask of the thought the magical question.  “I wonder what you are for?”  “Tell me a story”.
  3. I empty my mind and wait a few breaths for the response.  Sometimes I get it right away. Sometimes it arrives later and when I least expect it.  Sometimes I wake up with it or it arrives during meditation. I know I will get it.  These days it’s happening sooner than later.

Often the answer leads me back to an experience in my life I misinterpreted with my level of understanding at the time. From my new perspective, I’m able to see the error in my judgment. And, often I will be shown the “back story” of the one I am judging with my thoughts according to my old understanding. This allows me compassionate understanding of that one’s actions.

#3 – Once I’ve given the thought and the associated feeling my undivided attention, I let it go.  If the message doesn’t arrive spontaneously, I wait patiently.  I am then and only then free to replace that thought.  It’s important to replace the negative thought with a high vibrational one.  Our positive thinking has the power to raise the vibration of our body, our health and the planet.

#4 – Creating a high vibrational thought can sometimes be tricky.  Avoid using words that in anyway are related to what you don’t want. For instance:  I want to be thin, implies you are unhappy with your weight. It puts the focus on what you don’t want.  Avoid using sentences that include “n’t” words like can’t and don’t.  They also put the focus on what you don’t want.

Instead try this – “I am so grateful for this miraculous body that knows how to regulate every system”.   Notice this is an affirmation (affirming what already is).  And, I always start every affirmation with “I am so grateful”.  Gratitude is one of the most powerful actions for change available to us.

Sometimes, none of the above works for me.  I just want to jump in the boat with my churning thoughts and go on a turbulent ride.  It doesn’t take me long to tire of it though.  Even while going down the river I’m aware I will have to get out of the boat if I want to receive the message and uncover the highest solution.

Experience with this process has grown my faith.  I know I will receive the answer as I have asked and it will be a beautiful thing.

I highly recommended getting into the mindset that life is always happening FOR YOU – Not to you. This alone puts you in the driver’s seat.  If life is happening to you, you are just a hapless victim of circumstance with no control over outcomes.  In this state of mind you are helpless to change anything.

When you know life is happening for you, you are looking for the “What fors”.  Your eyes are wide open to messages, synergy and guidance. You let life lead you and teach you.  Life is our best teacher.

So how do you know when you have received the message or solution?

  1. When chronic thinking around an event stops.  How many times have you not been able to stop thinking about something?  It keeps you up at night.  It interrupts your peace?  Spirit is sending you the strong message – “You do not have the message yet” or “This situation is not resolved”. From my experience, the solution often requires forgiveness; forgiveness for my judgment.
  2. You are filled with an expansive sense of peace.  You can breathe freely and deeply even when you “think” of the person, place, or thing that led to your unrest.

I know some of this you have heard before.  I hope you got something new for yourself or to share.  I am always here for you.  Let me know if you have any questions about this topic or if I can help in any way.  The next blog will be on “Making a Date with Emotions” – Stay Tuned….

Here’s to your Joy, Peace, LOVE & Health!

Gail Blair/The Intuitive Chef


Photo Credit/Karen Guthrie

Photo Credit/Karen Guthrie

Curious if a Food IS Talking Intuitive Food Compatibility
Session with The Intuitive Chef can help you?  Schedule a “No Charge” 15 minute exploratory session here: https://www.foodrevelation.com/schedule/


Gail’s “Intuitive Chef” journey began unfolding in 2009 as a plant-based chef.  foodRevelation.com, birthed in 2011 was the natural result of following her creative passion – recipe creation and cooking.

Shortly thereafter, she experienced a “spiritual awakening” and discovered her intuitive and spiritual gifts.  As a food and medical intuitive, she has helped hundreds all over the U.S. and Canada remember their God-given health and in-born intuition through private sessions, private and public cooking classes and workshops.

Many revelations have been revealed along the way.  Her latest book, “Quinoa Cookbook Journey” (see link below) is the first book in a series entitled “Evolution of FREE Health”. It provides a gentle and tasty glimpse into these revelations and the resulting experiences.  Being revealed next in this series is, “The 7 Missing Links to Abundant Health”.

Gail currently lives in a small town in North Texas with her furry friends Molly and Mo.  In addition to the joy of cooking and recipe creation, she finds great pleasure in long leisurely meals with family and friends, reading, writing; quiet walks in nature and sleeping under the stars.


For more about Intuitive Chef Gail – https://www.foodrevelation.com/about/

Optimum Eating Style Honors Body & Lifestyle

It’s time to share more recipes in celebration of my 60th birthday month! 

But first, I wanted to share an “Aha” with you.  This came up in conversation recently.  That’s my sign it is time to share it publicly.

Over the years, the Food IS Talking Intuitive Food Compatibility process has evolved as new information has revealed itself through these individualized food charts.

One such reveal occurred a couple of years ago.   I realized that not only do we have a “base line” compatibility (foods that are compatible consistently); we also have an optimum eating style that stays fairly constant unless something drastic happens like –

  • Our sleeping cycle completely changes over a long period of time (for instance – working nights instead of days).
  • Our nutritional needs change drastically due to illness, surgery or long term stress.
  • We make a major shift in diet (like a decision to go from eating meat to veganism)

Is breakfast really the most important meal of the day? It’s been drilled into our heads all our life!  The first meal of the day may be labeled breakfast if you are an early riser.  It may be labeled lunch if you are like me – a night owl.  My first meal is hardly ever before noon.  Your optimum eating style best supports your lifestyle.

Most people fit into 1 of 4 eating styles:

1. 3 squares a day (breakfast, lunch & dinner). No snacks
2. Intermittent fasting (calorie rotation; low 1 day/high the next)
3. 16 hour daily fast (eat for 8 hours only/fast for 16 within a 24 hour period).
4. Grazing (eat 5 or 6 small meals a day)

I am a combination of 2 and 3. I noticed this has happened naturally. I’ve never been a breakfast person. Now I know why – I’m a night owl:)

Okay, onto the delicious part.  The following recipes have been the most popular with my cooking classes.  Super hearty and satisfying.   Perfect for the meat eater transitioning to a more plant-based diet.  My dad often says, “Gail, I don’t know how you do it.  I never miss the meat!”  There is a good reason people call me “The Plant-Based Chef for Meat Lovers & Vegetable Haters”

A dry white wine or one my favorite light reds, Tortoise creek French Pinot Noir is the perfect companion to the herbal and savory tones of this dish.  Hope you enjoy!  If you have any questions, you can contact me here: https://www.foodrevelation.com/contact/

Tuscan White Bean & Sage Ragout
On Top ofHerb & Pepper Crusted Polenta

(With Vegan Version) Serves 6-8


Polenta Ingredients and Method 

3 tablespoons butter (olive oil for vegan version)

3-4 garlic cloves, crushed and minced

1 teaspoon fresh chopped rosemary (reserve ½ teaspoon)*

3 cups water

3 cups + unsweetened plant based milk (I like So Delicious Coconut Milk Beverage for this)

1 teaspoon sea salt

2 cups polenta (course ground corn meal – not quick cooking)

1 teaspoon coarse ground cracked pepper

olive oil to prepare pan

Melt butter over medium high in a large stainless pan.  Add garlic and ½ teaspoon of the chopped rosemary.  Sauté for about 30 seconds or until fragrant.

Add water, milk and salt.  Bring to simmer and slowly add polenta stirring constantly.  Reduce heat to low simmer and continue to whisk for about 10 minutes or until polenta is very thick and creamy.  Whisk in more milk if necessary.  It should be very thick, but pourable.

Coat 9 x 13 inch glass pan with a little olive oil.  Pour polenta evenly into pan and allow to cool before placing in refrigerator for a few hours or until completely set.  If in a hurry, place in freezer for about 20 minutes.

When ready to serve, slice polenta into 4 x 4 inch squares or use a 3 ½” diameter cookie cutter (I made hearts for Valentine’s DayJ).  A round wide mouth glass jar works too!  Sprinkle top of the polentas with fresh rosemary and cracked pepper.  Broil or grill for about 3 minutes or until tops are golden and starting to crisp.

Tuscan White Bean & Sage Ragout

2 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil

1 tablespoon butter (optional – you can use all olive oil for vegan version)

1 small onion, diced

1 small sweet bell pepper (red, orange or yellow)

4 garlic cloves, minced

½ teaspoon dried thyme

2 tablespoon fresh minced sage (or another ½ teaspoon thyme if no fresh sage)

½ cup dry white wine (chardonnay is good)

1 small squash, cubed

1 small zucchini, cubed

2 cups fresh chopped Roma tomatoes

2 cups cooked cannellini beans, drained & rinsed (or any white bean)

2 teaspoon sweet white miso (optional)*

2 teaspoon fresh squeezed lemon juice

Sea salt and crack pepper to taste (TASTE FIRST!)

Heat a very large skillet or Dutch oven (iron is great!) over medium high.  Add olive oil and butter; swirl to coat skillet evenly.  Add onions with a fat pinch of salt and sauté for 3 minutes, and then add garlic.  Sauté another minute and stir in herbs.

Deglaze pan with white wine and simmer for just a minute before adding squash, tomatoes and beans.  Bring back to simmer and cook gently for 15 minutes or until squash is tender.   Turn off heat.

Add miso to a small fine mesh strainer and then place strainer in skillet to allow the broth to make contact with the miso.  Using a wooden spoon, dissolve miso into broth.  Add lemon juice and re-heat ragout gently while stirring to incorporate miso and lemon.  Taste before adding more salt.  Garnish with a sprig of thyme or sage leaves before serving.

*Miso is a great way to add a meaty-like richness to all your vegan soups, beans and stews.  I’ve found my meat lover friends don’t miss the meat when I use this method.  I use dark miso for dark dishes, such as black bean chili and light miso for lighter soups and beans.

This easy and satisfying recipe becomes is a staple dish at my house.  Wonderful served on top of polenta or as a hearty Italian stew with crusty bread and salad.

Here’s to your Joy, Peace, LOVE & Health!

Gail Blair/The Intuitive Chef




Photo Credit/Karen Guthrie

Photo Credit/Karen Guthrie

Curious if a Food IS Talking Intuitive Food Compatibility
Session with The Intuitive Chef can help you?  Schedule a “No Charge” 15 minute exploratory session here:

Gail’s “Intuitive Chef” journey began unfolding in 2009 as a plant-based chef.  foodrevelation.com, birthed in 2011 was the natural result of following her creative passion – recipe creation and cooking.

Shortly thereafter, she experienced a “spiritual awakening” and discovered her intuitive and spiritual gifts.  As a food and medical intuitive, she has helped hundreds all over the U.S. and Canada remember their God-given health and in-born intuition through private sessions, private and public cooking classes and workshops.

Many revelations have been revealed along the way.  Her latest book, “Quinoa Cookbook Journey” (see link below) is the first book in a series entitled “Evolution of FREE Health”. It provides a gentle and tasty glimpse into these revelations and the resulting experiences.  Being revealed next in this series is, “The 7 Missing Links to Abundant Health”.

Gail currently lives in a small town in North Texas with her furry friends Molly and Mo.  In addition to the joy of cooking and recipe creation, she finds great pleasure in long leisurely meals with family and friends, reading, writing; quiet walks in nature and sleeping under the stars.


For more about Intuitive Chef Gail – https://www.foodrevelation.com/about/


Our Creativity Leads to Expansion & Freedom


It’s been a while since I’ve been here.  I hope everyone is enjoying this abundant, lush summer.  I don’t remember the last time I saw so much green this late in the season.  By this time the grass is dormant and the lawn mower is at rest for the year.  I just realized has I wrote that sentence, that all the new life still blossoming in the heat reflects perfectly what has been blossoming within me over the last few months.  It has truly been a hot, sweaty uncomfortable experience that has born much fruit.  I’m embracing the heat and being refined by the fire.

During this time, I’ve been aware of this distinct feeling that something was coming to an end and something new is being birthed.  Birthing is hard work and sometimes painful.  Us women can totally relate!  This release as been building and building; coming to a head over the last few months.   One of the not so pleasant symptoms was the feeling of being in a creative desert; being totally disconnected from the creative side of me that likes to write.  I felt stuck and completely unmotivated.

These feelings were throwing a wrench into my plans; slowing down progress of the book I want to publish this year.   It has been writing itself over the last 5 years.  It should be easy – right?  I’ve already written two others books and published one.  Why can’t I just get it done!  Because something had to be “undone” first.

I finally realized I’ve been blocking my unlimited creative nature.   I’ve only tapped a small part of it.   Spirit is telling me this book needs the fullness of the creativity that lives in me that’s been dormant for so long.  The book not only is a catalyst for unleashing this creative power.  It is this creative power that fuels the book, giving it the power and range to reach its highest potential for Good.

The birthing of my God-given creativity within is helping to birth the Evolution of FREE Health.  Without our God-given natural health we are not free.

“Creativity is God’s gift to us.  Using our creativity is our gift to God” Julia Cameron

My creative outlet for years has been cooking.  It is what I have used to literally feed my creative side.  It obviously was no longer enough.  The creator in me was not satisfied or nourished.  The ego said this all I have. Translation – this is all I am willing to risk.  Spirit argued and Spirit won.  I was not going to be FREE to create this book unless I allowed the creator within to fully immerge.

“Dependency on the Creator within is really freedom from all other dependencies.”
Julia Cameron

So over the last 3 months I have embarked upon a magical journey of recovering my inborn creativity.  You have probably guessed by now or heard, I was guided to the “The Artist’s Way” by Julia Cameron as the vehicle.  Our God-given gift of creativity is what connects inspiration with manifestation.  The book inspired me – again.  This time I was ready to fully embrace it. I happened upon this book in 2011 at the same time I picked up A Course in Miracles – Imagine that!  This course changed my life – forever.

The Artist Way showed up again early in the spring of this year.  I attended a brief Artist Way Workshop facilitated by the great Robin Hackett http://www.robinhackettmusic.com/ on a women’s retreat with my local Unity church (Unity of Greenville – http://www.dallasunity.org/).  It was magical! As a guest this time (not the chef) I was not allowed my normal creative outlet.  What happened was nothing short of a miracle!  I wrote a poem that weekend, helped write songs, I drew and amazed myself with my improvisational skills and more. Wrapped up in the comfortable security blanket of genuine love and support, my creative side blossomed!  Then I came home and put it all on a shelf.  Yep, it’s funny how we do that – right?  And, it’s easy to judge it too.  Divine timing is always perfect.

It did come up again when the time was “ripe”.  When we reach the end of a rope, we realize it’s time to let go and Let God.  I needed to reach it and of course I did.  I was facing a brick wall I did not know how to climb over.  It is called “writer’s block”.  It didn’t take me long (about 10 days) to realize I already had in my possession the perfect tool for lifting me up and over this obstacle.  The Artist’s Way came off the shelf. http://juliacameronlive.com/

I embarked in earnest on this creative journey.  I worked it to the best of my ability. The book journey and workshop came to a close on July 18th.  And, as promised, it worked its magic.  On the last day in my “Daily Morning Pages” (yes, they are a life-long habit now) I reviewed what had been accomplished.  I was completely shocked at what had happened in only 3 months.  I didn’t even realize it until it came pouring out on the page.  I’m just going to share exactly how it came out:

  • I am receiving divine guidance on the page.  I ask. Spirit answers and I scribe (just like Julia said would probably happen).
  • I have “doodled” (something I don’t remember EVER doing).
  • I completed 3 vision boards. 1 for business goals, 1 for personal creation and 1 strictly for manifesting the “soulmate” partner in my dreams.  And they are manifesting.  Many have already arrived.  I did these on “Picmonkey” and it was so much fun!  I was amazed I had the creative ability to do this and the joy it brought me.  I saved the business and personal ones as the lock screen and desktop background on my computer.  The soul mate one is in my bedroom with a crystal grid in front of it.  I highly recommend this exercise.
  • I dated (something I haven’t done in 6 years – single for 33).  In the process (actually the first time out) I did undercover a soulmate.  A long lost friend.  It is an amazing story I will tell later.
  • I learned to skateboard.  You may have read this story, but here it is again – just in case. https://www.foodrevelation.com/category/soul-digest/
  • I have a whole new portfolio of pictures to reflect the “uncovered” authentic, beautiful 60 years old in August, me.  Thank you to my sweet, talented sister Karen.  I hope you are inspired to dare greatly with this amazing talent God gave you.
  • I have fearlessly embraced public speaking.  Yes!  A one hour presentation without notes or fear (on camera). This is huge!  (I’ll be sharing this when the time is right).
  • I found a Toastmasters group in my area.  I start this coming Monday.  It is on my calendar.
  • I am enrolled in Spanish 2 in the fall.  All classes are on my calendar.
  • I have a guitar teacher (haven’t started yet).  Need to buy a guitar first.
  • I ordered a drawing course – I haven’t finished, but I’ve started.
  • I’ve drawn several horses (something I loved to do as a child and shut down).  This is something Spirit is yelling at me to do now!  One particular horse is waiting to be drawn.
  • I created art with my granddaughter in the desert.
  • I bought art – 2 amazing pieces.
  • I’ve been sun gazing – amazing revelations have come in with this exercise.
  • I manifested the perfect helper to create a new; cleaner and more focused website http://niyacreative.com/ .  This is just the first phase.  A joyous work in progress!
  • I have learned to create within my new website https://www.foodrevelation.com/ thanks to Niya – something I resisted for years! Now I’m having so much fun!  Like me, one of Niya’s missions is empowering people.
  • I am spending more time being inspired by nature (more nature is a message that keeps repeating).  I frequent a nature preserve weekly.  This weekend I’m coming unplugged in the country with my new soulmate friend.
  • I have Dared Greatly! Thank you Brene’ Brown
  • I have become more and more confident of my connectedness to Source and the ability to live guided.
  • I have felt gratitude at a whole new level.  BTW – I see the color of gratitude as a glittery rose pink – beautiful!
  • I have become more and more willing and motivated to stick by my choices to love and honor myself with my thoughts and actions.
  • I am confident in my ability to bring forth onto the page what is ready to be unleased – The Evolution of FREE Health.   Whew!  That’s a bunch of creativity!

Through it all I did uncover what “I had” placed in the way of my creativity.  They were the stories I told myself as a child; childhood stories, fictitious stories I created to reconcile in my child’s brain what I could not make sense of at my level of understanding at the time.  These stories keep me safe as a child. They kept me from being hurt.  We all have these stories.  We created them for a good reason. Everything in the end does work together for good.  I love this quote (not sure where it came from). “”Everything works out in the end.  If it hasn’t worked out, it’s not the end”..lol.

One of the clearest recollections that came up through this process was when I was 10 (there is so much I don’t remember – I was unplugged a lot!).  I decided I had what it took to be a cheerleader.  The judges had other ideas.  I knew I was just as good as anyone, maybe better than some.  The story I created went like this; I wasn’t pretty enough or popular.  It was my glasses; I was a “four eyes” (glasses were not in style back then)…Yada, yada, yada.  That experience helped shape me.  I withdrew and became very solitary, closed-in and secretive.  No one really knew me.

There were other stories that came up during childhood that shaped my beliefs about love.  What it is and what it looks like.  Many have one of these stories.  We’ve had to learn what it isn’t to know what it is.  I went “Looking for Love in All the Wrong Places” for years not realizing the love I was looking for I already had within.  There is a divine reason I have been single for so long.  I thank God for all the protection I have had while I traveled the road to awakening to this life-changingTruth.

These stories kept me safe and at the same time they kept from being authentically vulnerable.  They kept me from showing myself; the real me, the loving, lovable, lovely, born of love – me.  So, I attracted others that were living in similar fictitious stories instead of ones that were BE-ing themselves. And, the stories kept me from taking big risk; from “Dare Greatly” (thank you Brene’ Brown). Daring greatly MEANS taking risk.  Being vulnerable is the scariest risk of all.  I did take risk; for sure, but many of them were self-sabotaging.   Even those I can see now have have brought me to where I am now and I am so grateful or as Robin Hackett sings – Soul Grateful!

“All events are either uncovering who we are or who we are not”

Now I see the stories for what they were; the safety net I no longer need.  I am very grateful for the important purpose they served up to now and I’m just as grateful to be free of them.

What now?  This is a little scary too.  Who am I now without these stories?  I am FREE.  What will I do with this new found freedom?  Let creativity live me.

“We are closest to our Creator, when we are creating”

Go have a look at the new website.  By the way, I have added a new service, “Exploratory Session” at no charge; https://www.foodrevelation.com/schedule/ .  If something is coming up for you, this is a good way to tap in and get clarity of how to move through it.   I have been getting calls from clients I haven’t heard from in a while.  We are moving through some changes together…

Before I go  – Besides “The Artist Way” by Julia Cameron and “Daring Greatly” by Brene’ Brown there is one other book that has been a tremendous blessing – “Hell in the Hallway, Light at the Door”  How to Move Gracefully Through Change Into Renewed and Abundant Life” by Ellen Debenport

As always, here’s to your peace, joy, LOVE & Health!

Chef Gail

To shedule a session with Gail go to: https://www.foodrevelation.com/schedule/


Letting Go of the Wheel…

The last few weeks can only be described as Pure Magic!  It started with a video by Paul Zelizer, a powerfully conscious business leader.   Here is the video:  http://paulzelizer.com/conscious-relationships/

A little history to provide context:  In 2011, I experienced what some would call an “awakening”.  I call it higher awareness now.   All at once my perception totally shifted and I became aware I was more than flesh and bones.  I became aware of other senses and other dimensions.  I realized I was a part of something much bigger than me and “that something” was a part of me.   I realized I had divine helpers and they were guiding me in a very tangible way.  It was wonderfully overwhelming and I lived in a state of bliss for days.  The intensity didn’t last, but I was changed forever.

It also came to me during that time there is someone waiting for me; a soulmate I’ve been getting ready for.   It’s taken little while.  I’m been getting ready for over 30 years.  I stopped dating completely.   It came to me after this new awareness kicked in that I could trust the Universe; this Power that is constantly conspiring in my favor to put this soulmate relationship together.

After hearing Paul’s words, I woke up the next morning to this message ringing in my ears.  “Gail – work with me here.  How can I work in your favor if you put yourself in a bubble and me in a box?”   I tend to keep pretty much to myself (can you say hermit), especially over the last 6 years.   I work from home for the most part.  I enjoy A LOT of “me” time.

Paul’s words created a shift in consciousness I felt immediately!  I knew a door had just opened and I knew I was going to “Spiritual Dating School” as Paul puts it.  Which simply means, I am dating consciously (fully aware) and putting myself out there authentically.  I’m staying open to whatever kind of relationship I attract; romance, friendship or otherwise.  No matter – all relationships have something to offer.  I don’t believe any time is ever wasted.

The following Sunday an impromptu photoshoot miraculously supplied me with a whole new portfolio of pictures to reflect who I have BE-come over the last 6 years (my beloved sister is a gifted photographer).  I have never felt prettier or more comfortable in this skin.   This was all in perfect timing as you will see later down the page.

Fast forward 1 week later.  I’m on vacation at a camping resort in San Diego with friends and family.  I’m walking around, enjoying the sunshine and party atmosphere.  Standing in a lane, I am totally mesmerized by a gorgeous, talented 40 something stud skateboarding.  No helmet, no pads, total confidence.   He skates up to me and says, “I’ve been watching you.”  You are gorgeous!”  Somehow I didn’t miss a beat and my tongue didn’t roll out of my mouth.  I responded, “I’ve been watching you and you are pretty awesome yourself.  How do you do that?”  He said, “You want to learn?”  I said – “Suuure”.

I kicked off my flip flops, jumped on the skateboard, held on lightly to his bare shoulder and off I went.  I let go and was moving way too fast for comfort!  I scared the bejeebies out of myself.   I jumped off and off came the hide from big toe.  Mr. Stud saunters up and says, “You ready to go again – Oh! You’re bleeding!”  “Yep – I said.  It’s okay.   I’m game if you are, but this time with my shoes on”.  He said, “That’s my kind of girl – Not going to let a little blood stop you”.

This time I went slower and he showed me how to square my feet on the board so I had more control.  I learned how to put my weight on my toes to go right and on my heels to go left.  I learned how to do a 180.  I learned how to skateboard in 15 minutes.  Now I just need more practice (with pads:).   We ended with me asking him to our camp for dinner and expressing a heart-felt thank you.   I walked away with a hole in my hide, grinning from ear to ear.  And then, I never saw him again.

The impact however was huge.    I’ll never forget him.   Some of the shortest encounters can have the biggest impacts.  This was one of those.  He was just what I needed to remind me, even at 60 I can do whatever I want and I am still pretty hot; all to prime me for what is coming soon.

One week later, I’m back home taking a nap on my couch and I have a dream.  In it I am standing next to a guy with a lot of luggage at an airport.  He sticks out his hand and says “Hi, I’m (he gives me his name)”.  Then, I wake up.  But I remember the name.  A couple of days later I decide to search his name on Facebook and low and behold we have 2 friends in common.  What are the odds?

2 days later, I run across a dating site on my Facebook feed – “Meet Mindful”.  It resonates. I have had enough experience with synergy now to I know the Universe is throwing me another bone.  I fill out the profile, upload the NEW pictures (YES!) and take full advantage of the 3 day free trail.  Right away, I have 3 connections that are totally on my page.  One invites me to look at his Facebook page and guess what?  We have 2 friends in common!  More synergy…

This morning during my “Morning Pages”, I was questioning myself and aware of how nervous I was feeling about this new dating adventure.   Then I hear this now familiar voice say, “Gail – You are amazing, beautiful, talented, one of a kind, resourceful and fearless!  Just BE you. “THE ONE” will recognize you.  That’s powerful advice!

Moral of the story – The Universe is always working in our favor to the degree we get out of our own way.   I don’t know exactly where all this is headed.   I know I will recognize “THE ONE” when we meet.  Until then, I will have fun enjoying the company of like-minded men along the way and creating new friendships.

I do expect more magic as I let go of the wheel.

I’ll keep you posted…

What is Right Action


What is “Right” Action?

The synergistic events of my day are defining it.  I found a “God Note” today I jotted down some weeks ago as I was de-cluttering the kitchen counter-top.  A “God Note” is a spontaneous, inspired thought; the kind that show up randomly when you least expect it.   Sometimes they arrive in dreams and sometimes during waking hours, when my mind is free enough to hear them (I was washing dishes this time).  This thought followed on the heels of a passionate conversation with a friend (you know what they say about politics and religion…).  We were debating what “right action” is, in these seemingly very chaotic, stressful times.  It may even seem we are backsliding today.  We are not.  What is still bubbling under the surface is only coming into the light to be seen.  The darkness cannot survive the light.  I digress…

The note was this:

Right action, any action can be energetic, physical or both.  For instance, thoughts and prayers are energetic action.  The thought cannot be seen, but the results are made manifest.   Some people “act” more energetically (prayer warriors, lightworkers, etc.) and some have more physical roles.  Both are profoundly important for creation.

Physical action is always born of thought, even if it is bubbling under the surface of our unconscious (in the dark).

Every creation (manifestation) begins with a thought, just as we are a thought of our Creator.

“Right Action” is born of loving thought.  Loving thoughts and actions are heart-based and honor the oneness that we are, regardless of circumstance.

Then I opened this today from Renaissance Unity:

Today’s Meditation

Dear God,

I deeply desire that love guide my life.

Love for myself, the people around me and this planet.

Love that is beyond words or thoughts, beyond intellectualizing.

You are the source of me, the fountain of my life.

May this core of love expand until only love remains.

Express yourself fully, in and through me.

And, so it is – Amen

Rev. Kelly


And, then I opened another email from Rev. Karen at Unity on Greenville.  This verse was at the bottom:

“Let me give you a new command:  Love one another.  In the same way I loved you, you love one another.  This is how everyone will recognize that you are my disciples – when they see the love you have for each other.”  John 13: 34-35

If this is not a clear message, I don’t know what is…

No matter what action we take – Let Love lead.



“NO Bake” Gluten Free, Dairy Free Chocolate Ice Box Pie

There is no reason to reveal the ingredients of this easy, breezy pie to anyone unless they ask for the recipe.

Definitely DO NOT tell anyone it is healthy unless they are into healthy.

My dad critiques all my recipes and this is one of his favorites.  Daddy is a good ole country boy that loves meat and anything that grows in the garden.  He is very leary of trying anything “out of the box”.  I never tell him what he ate until he says it’s “larapin”.  Even then, I may not come clean.  He’s been known to ban a food even if he liked it, if he perceives it to be “too wierd”.  This one I’ve keep close to the vest.

Go ahead.  You can’t miss with this one!

Chocolate Filling

1 large avocado, smashed*

⅓ cup powdered cocoa (unsweetened)

⅓ cup honey or raw agave nectar (1/3 tsp NOW organic liquid stevia for sugar-free)

3-4 drops of liquid stevia or 2-3 TB birch xylitol for sweeter version

¼ teaspoon instant coffee (dissolve in 1 tablespoon of water)

1 tablespoon tapioca flour

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

dash of cinnamon

dash of cayenne (optional)

dash of salt

½ cup coconut whipped cream (CoCo Whip Brand or homemade – see below)

Add all ingredients to a processor except the whipped cream and process until very creamy and smooth.  Add in whipped cream and pulse until just blended.  Pour filling into a ready standard gluten free pie crust or use recipe below.

Top pie with whipped cream and chill at least 1 hour before serving.   Add more deliciousness by arranging berries on top or finish with dark shaved chocolate.  Use your imagination!   This pie will impress the most discerning chocoholic.   DO NOT tell until the raving is over!

Note:   If using coconut oil, remove the pie from refrigerator10 minutes before serving.  Coconut oil solidifies when it is cold and will make the pie hard to cut.

*The avocado needs to be perfectly ripe.  Too ripe and your pie will taste like avocado and not ripe enough, it will not cream well.   Purchase your avocado ahead of time to be sure you are ready to go.  The avocado should yield slightly to firm pressure.   Too ripen an avocado quickly, place it in a paper bag with a banana.

No Bake Graham Crust (Gluten Free)

3 cups organic plain rice crispy puffs (unsweetened)

¼ cup raw toasted almonds or cashews

⅓ cup grass-fed butter, melted (or melted coconut oil for vegan version*)

¼ cup honey or raw agave (or ¼ teaspoon NOW brand organic liquid for sugar-free)

dash of  sea salt

A little water as needed

Add rice crispy puffs and nuts to a large processor and process into a meal.  Swirl in butter, choice of sweetener, dash of salt and pulse a few times to incorporate.   Turn the processor to on and process until mixture just starts to hold together loosely (DO NOT OVER PROCESS).  Add a little water if needed a teaspoon at a time.  To test, squeeze a little dough in your hand.  If it sticks together, it’s perfect.

Turn out dough into 9” pie plate and press crust firmly into place, bringing it carefully up the sides of plate.  Smooth and even out the top edge.   Place crust in freezer while preparing filling.

Coconut Whipped Cream                                          

1 can of coconut cream, cold (Savoy is one brand with no additives)

¼ teaspoon liquid stevia (¼ cup confectioner sugar)

1 teaspoon vanilla

¼ teaspoon lemon zest (neutralizes the bitter from stevia)

dash of salt

Add all ingredients to large cold stainless bowl or processor and whip on high speed until smooth and creamy.  Allow to chill for a few minutes before serving.


Intuitive Chef Gail




The Evolution of Veganism, Continued…


I have written before about the “Evolution of Vegan-ism” here:  https://www.foodrevelation.com/the-evolution-of-veganism/ and how evolution takes time.   The human body is an animal and this animal has been eating meat for a long time.  So it makes sense that converting to a vegan diet will take the human body a period time to adapt.  There is more to the story – as always…

The idea that humans were originally herbivores or vegans has never set quite right with me.   It was a puzzle with a missing piece.  My mind loves to solve puzzles, but this one was beyond my human brain to make sense of.   Of course, over the last 6 years, I’ve realized the human mind is so limited.  We are limited by what we know and experience.  Yes – humans have a tendency to block information that doesn’t align with what we already know.

Revelation is information revealed (divinely delivered).  It happens when you least expect it.  It happens in my sleep a lot (when my mind is less busy), but sometimes, messages come out of nowhere and smack me in the face.   This was one of those.  I thought I was meditating on one thing, but the Universe had different ideas.

What dictates the human animal’s natural eating tendency is our “roots” – where we originated.  Early Eskimos (Arctic people) would have starved to death without the whale; while other large mammals like elephants and giraffes thrive as herbivores in warm climates where Mother Nature’s bounty is plentiful all year round.  Polar bears in the Arctic are carnivores, where plant life is scarce. Other large bears are omnivores and eat plant and animal.  Creation adapts to its environment.

Over time, we have been vegans, vegetarians, but mostly omnivores – adaptable.  And, the body evolves as it adapts.  Thank goodness, or the human animal would have become extinct just as lower animals who have not adapted to changed environments.

As we have evolved, our food availability and variety has been hugely expanded.  Over-time, we have collectively needed less and less meat.    We have reached a point in our evolution where most humans can be healthfully sustained on a vegetarian diet and some on a strict vegan diet.  This is the “Evolution of Vegan-ism”.  It has been a natural, slow progression.

Still, there are some who require meat for optimum health.   If you need more protein than average healthy human (men 55 grams a day and women 45 grams) you may have cold-weather roots.

What does enough protein look like this day and age?  6 ounces of lean sirloin (what the USDA says is a serving) is about 45 grams of protein; all the protein the average woman needs in a day.  Keep in mind, that most foods contain protein and some plants are complete proteins like kale, lentils and quinoa, to name a few.  It is easy to see how our diets can easily be too protein heavy.

What happens when we give the body something it doesn’t need or too much of anything? The body must work very hard to process it out.  That food becomes a burden.  While the body is busy processing out what it doesn’t need, the energy required for maintenance and repair is not available.   The over consumption of protein from the most acidic source (meat) has created a big burden on the body, leaving the body inflamed, tired and vulnerable to disease.

Each “healthy” body has a baseline for food compatibility and your roots will  have a lot to do with what this looks like (by the way – all animals have a baseline compatibility).  Our baseline takes time to change – to evolve.  From the baseline foods, some will be “highly compatible”.  These foods are re-stocking the body’s tool box; they contain the nutrients that are missing for maintenance and repair.

What is “highly compatible” will change daily according to what is going on physically, mentally and even by what you ate yesterday (you stocked the tool box).  If you can know what the highly compatible foods are before you go grocery shopping you can always be restocking your tool box.  Powerful! This is prevention at its best! You have the ability to know and part of my purpose is helping you uncover this ability.

If you are striving to become completely vegan and your body is saying you need meat, you may want to consider taking it slow.  Go vegetarian first and very slowly convert to all plants.  This transition can take up to 5 to 6 years (this has been my experience – I’m Scottish.  I would be happy to share my journey upon request).   If you are rooted in a warm climate this transition can be quicker.  During this transition you have the option of making cruelty-free choices.  Look for small local farmers or raise your own chickens for fresh eggs. KNOW YOUR SOURCE.  Cruelty-free, organic dairy and eggs are getting easier and easier to find as the cruelty, inherent in the large factory farming conglomerates is exposed to the public.

This intuitive work has forced me to give up what I thought I knew about nutrition (about a lot of things!). I’ve had to leave my judgment at the curb.  By letting go – I receive new information.   One of the biggest revelations – What every “body” needs is different.   Think about this – If your body needs something only an animal can provide and you do not accept this gift of nourishment, what animal are you being cruel to?  All animals have purpose, just like all of Creation.  Sometimes that purpose is to provide nutrition.  Be grateful and thankful animals have helped us thrive all this time…

Coming up next….

“When Did Variety Become the Spice of Life”.    And, how the collective body has adapted to survive the “Age of Sugar”.

Wishing you much peace, joy, LOVE & abundant health!

Gail Blair/The Intuitive Chef

Evolution of FREE Health Starts Now!

It’s finally done!  Man, what a journey it has been.  My goal was to have this birthed by Thanksgiving but the Universe had a Christmas delivery in mind.  This is not the first time I have had a Christmas birthing.  My daughter was born on Christmas day!

I am now accepting pre-orders for the “Special Edition” hardcover, full color book at foodrevelation.com.  Just look for the book cover for ordering information.

In the event this baby decides to arrive late, I will be sending out laminated post cards with this amazing carrot cake recipe on the back to announce the expected arrival.  Don’t forget to include the shipping address and if it is a gift, I am providing gift cards as well. (For bulk orders contact me at foodrevelation.com/contact-us/

The e-book will be available in the next few weeks everywhere; Amazon, B&N. etc.

The Quinoa Cookbook Journey is more than a cookbook; it also tells the abbreviated story of the amazing journey that lead me to wellness and realizing my intuitive and clairvoyant gifts.  This is the first book in the “Evolution of FREE Health” series.  Stay tuned for the next cookbook; “Food IS Talking”, The 10 Most Compatible Foods Cookbook, followed by “Evolution of FREE Health”, The 6 Missing Links to Abundant Health.

This is what a few clients are saying about the “Food IS Talking” experience (Intuitive Food Compatibility Testing and THE FOOD):

“At first glance this book may look like your typical cookbook (if you consider quinoa typical).  I assure you it is not.  What makes this cookbook unique?  It was written by a very creative, Plant-Based Chef turned “Food and Medical Intuitive”.   How creative?  Intuitive Chef Gail Blair has been lovingly labeled, the plant-based chef for “Meat-Lovers” and “Vegetable Haters”.   Her recipes surprise and amaze even the most skeptical, die-hard meat and potato lover; including me.   The bonus of her “intuitive gift” is a gift that keeps on giving.  If you think “healthy” means suffering through tasteless, cardboard box meals, you are in for a big treat!  There is a divine reason Gail was a master chef before her “gifts” kicked in.  No-one wants to suffer on the road to health.  As a client, I can attest with Gail you don’t have to.”

– John Sklar M.D./Pain Specialist and creator of Pathways to Releasing Pain


“For years I’ve tried every diet in the book, lose some weight without enjoying food and then gain it right back. Gail’s Food Compatibility Consultation was an eye opener. For the first time I now understand what specific foods my body needs to be healthy. I was able to bring my body into balance within 10 days. The bonus was losing 10 pounds exactly where I wanted to lose them while eating as much as I wanted with the foods compatible for my body. Gail is a genius at creating recipes that are delicious, easy to make and family friendly. I can’t say enough about how freeing it is to finally understand what I need for my body. The fun part is that Gail’s intuitive approach along with a great big helping of common sense is served with a side of humor.”

– Marie Guthrie/CEO – Executive Leadership Strategist/Quantum Leader Foundation Program


“I thank God often for bringing Chef Gail Blair into my life. I started seeing her for intuitive food compatibility testing about 10 months ago. I had been very sick for months. I saw several doctors and even a holistic doctor 2000 miles away. I was afraid to look in the mirror at my frail reflection and eating wasn’t often a
comfortable experience.

Her intuitive food charts took the guess work out of eating. I focused on the foods my body needed and was quickly needing a new chart with exciting new foods on it that I’d hadn’t dreamed were part of my natural diet. I committed to the healing process,
no matter what ideas I’d held about the surprises on the chart. Dairy and coffee took a leap of faith, but I love them both now. I am back up to a healthy weight and I LOVE food!

I have had the unique opportunity to have sampled a lot of Chef Gail’s cooking. Her food is amazing! She loves what she does and you can taste it in her meals. I love everything I’ve had so far and I can’t wait to see what comes next!”

– Kristen Vega/Richardson, TX

Enjoy a sneak preview of the Quinoa Cookbook Journey!

Hi there! This is Intuitive Chef Gail Blair, coming to you from a little town in the heart of North Texas. I never dreamed I would be writing a quinoa cookbook! Heck, 10 years ago I didn’t even know what quinoa was! If anyone had told me 5 years ago where my passion for cooking and love for food would lead me, I would have said that someone is CRAAAZZZY!

This passion led me on a journey of self-discovery and along the way I found my true calling: helping others discover for themselves their natural health and “intuitive” gifts. Yes, health is natural – chronic disease is not.

Why is Quinoa the star of this cookbook? It is a complete protein (like meat and dairy); making it a vegan’s best friend and perfect for anyone looking to reduce their meat intake. AND, it is easily digested, low glycemic, nutrient dense, and alkaline to neutral in pH. It cooks in as little as 15 minutes and freezes perfectly. It also happens to be super versatile! Having very little flavor on its own, it’s like a painter’s blank canvas just waiting to be painted. So that’s what I’ve done! Created Quinoa Art!

As you cook your way through this little book, enjoying every blissful bite, you will be learning how to create balance in the body. As in all of life and nature, balance is crucial to flourishing health.

You will find enclosed a surprisingly delicious collection of traditional casseroles, side dishes and desserts; along with some very creative, natural ways to enjoy full-flavor food without punishing the taste buds. Many recipes are re-vamped holiday traditions. Each one has been test-driven by the most discerning foodies across the U.S.

My Motto – “The taste buds don’t care if the food is plant,
animal or healthy as long as it’s delicious!”

Most of the recipes in this little book are simple and designed for families to cook and enjoy together. Some a little more challenging, but easy to follow. Who doesn’t like a fun, delicious challenge? Many are “all-in-one” meals. I knew you wanted to hear that!

All of them are gluten-free, vegetarian and/or vegan friendly. And, most of them freeze very well; so even the single person or small family can enjoy the luxury of having something healthful and delicious every day!

This book is also the natural result of over 400 “Intuitive Food Compatibility Sessions” over almost 5 years now. It is an accumulation of what has been revealed intuitively (revelation) and learned along the way through experience. Three common
threads run through most sessions:

1. Many bodies are “malnourished” (obesity is a primary symptom of this – YES);
2. Many bodies are “unbalanced” (too acidic – at the root of all chronic disease) and
3. Many bodies are “over-proteinated” (a new word that means the body is getting WAY too much protein from mostly acidic sources).

Order your copy today for the rest of the story….

Wishing you all much Peace, Joy, LOVE & Health this holiday season and always!
Intuitive Chef Gail Blair


Carrot Cake with Butter Cream Frosting
Vegetarian/Vegan Option                                                                                             8-10 Servings

2 ½ cups cooked and cooled quinoa
4 tablespoons ground flaxseed + ½ cup water
⅓ cup full-fat canned coconut milk (or unsweetened, plant-based milk)
⅓ cup pure maple syrup or raw honey
8 drops Now Better Stevia organic liquid (or to taste)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 teaspoons cinnamon
¼ teaspoon sea salt
1 cup shredded carrots
¼ cup raisins, dried currants or chopped dates (dates are low glycemic)
½ cup chopped walnuts or pecans (optional)
Coconut oil or grass-fed butter

  1. Preheat oven to 350ºF. Coat 8 x 8 inch baking dish with a fine layer coconut oil or butter.
  2. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together flaxseed and water. Allow mixture to stand at room temperature until thickened to an “egg-like” consistency, about 5 minutes.
  3. Whisk into flaxseed mixture; milk, syrup or stevia, vanilla and spices. Stir in carrots, quinoa, raisins and nuts. Pour into prepared pan and spread evenly.
  4. Bake for 35-40 minutes until set. A toothpick inserted should come out clean. Remove from oven and let cool completely before frosting.

Butter Cream Frosting

¼ cup unsalted butter, softened (Earth Balance Butter for vegan version)
½ cup cream cheese, softened (Tofutti cream cheese for vegan version)
¼ cup organic confectioners sugar (or ¼ tsp Now Better Stevia organic liquid, or to taste)
Splash of lemon juice
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

With an electric mixer beat the butter and cream cheese together until smooth and blended. Add stevia, lemon juice and vanilla. Whip until sugar is completely incorporated and frosting is very smooth and creamy. Or, just put it all in a food processor and
process until creamy.

Cut room temperature or cold carrot cake into squares and serve with a big dollop of frosting and a few julienned carrots. Or, spread frosting on cake before slicing. In the picture I stacked 2 pieces and spread frosting between the layers for a traditional