People Are Saying…

“Gail was the perfect help when we needed help the most! We noticed our horse losing weight and were keeping an eye on him. After returning from a trip, I found him in the woods barely able to hold himself up & watched him collapse down. I immediately called Gail to see if she could tap into him and give us any information that could help him. She was a miracle worker, did some energy work on him, gave me some information that helped me know what I could do for him, and within days he was remarkably better. Here is photo I took of our horse 60 days after our initial session with Gail. It’s unbelievable and we are incredibly grateful! ”
~ Donna Hildebrand (& Titan)

“I have been meeting with Gail for almost 2 years regarding my health. In our most recent telephone session something quite unique and wonderful happened. I revealed to Gail that I had been experiencing some anxiety over a new puppy (China) I had taken in six months prior and had arranged to have her go to a dog trainer who would keep her for 2+ weeks for some serious training. I was ready to have him keep her. I was not comfortable with this but I was at my wits end to come up with a better solution. During the telephone session Gail suggested a technique she called clearing which she would do with both China and myself. China was lying on my lap and Gail began the clearing process for both of us.

Ever since she did the clearing, China and I have formed a closer bond of understanding and acceptance of each other. It is incredible how we are working with each other and my anxiety is gone. I canceled the dog training. Now this is not to say that China does not need some behavior training but we are so much happier with one another. I thank Gail for this. I don’t understand it but then I don’t have to in order to know it worked for us. Thank you Gail from China and myself.”
~ Donna Kirby/Dallas, TX

“Gail has helped me personally and my French Bulldog, Owen.  Owen is seven years old, and has had chronic yeast/fungal infections in his ears – to the point they are swollen and bleed.  He also has had fungal infections on his skin.  The vets would only prescribe meds that treat the symptoms.  I bought every type of expensive, grain free food on the market, and we had no results.  Enter Gail.  With her intuitive skill, I’m able to know exactly what foods are compatible to Owen’s bode. Within 2 weeks he was finally free of the infection!  I can’t say enough about Gail and how incredible she is.  Thanks to her Owen can now live without constant irritation and itching.  He’s a happy dog again!”
~ Jessica Brown Wilson/Dallas, TX

“Having a food chart to assist me on my journey to optimal health and wellness, has made all the difference. While my focus was never on losing weight, it was a natural and effortless result of having and using my personal food chart. I look and feel better than I have in 20 years, and my energy, vitality and well-being are off the charts. I am so grateful for Gail and her gifts and the difference she is committed to making in the world. A forever grateful client.”
~ Jen Smith, Waxahachie, TX

“Gail has helped me personally and my French Bulldog, Owen. I had a chronic yeast infection for the last four years, since I had my last daughter. And I had two toenails that were infected with fungus. I had tried everything to address the two. I have done Candida Cleanses, and treated with everything you can imagine—natural and traditional medicine. Gail has done for me in a few short weeks, what no other treatment could. I am now fungus free – internally and externally. For the first time in 10 years, my toe nails are growing back clear!
Owen is seven years old, and has had chronic yeast/fungal infections in his ears – to the point they are swollen and bleed. He also has had fungal infections on his skin. The vets would only prescribe meds that treat the symptoms. I bought every type of expensive, grain free food on the market, and we had no results. Enter Gail. With her intuitive skill, I’m able to know exactly what foods are compatible to Owen’s bode. Within 2 weeks he was finally free of the infection! I can’t say enough about Gail and how incredible she is. Thanks to her Owen can now live without constant irritation and itching. He’s a happy dog again!”
~ Jessica Brown Wilson, Dallas, TX

“I loved working with Gail. I had some skepticism initially but my friend had great success with her. Plus I was tired of switching diets every so often, never knowing if they ever worked or if avoiding a certain food was actually necessary. I’m so glad I hung in there despite my initial skepticism! 

I found that Gail led me to understand exactly what my body needed. As we went through the food charts, I understood more why certain foods affected me negatively, and I could feel my body respond with relief as that digestive burden was relieved. After three weeks, I added back cheese for the first time in years! In addition to my digestion feeling better, I found that my relationship to food improved. It became easier for me to tell when my body liked or didn’t like a food, or if I’d had too much of a thing a week, for example. I have better understanding of what food is compatible for me, and it feels good to give myself exactly what it needs. And I no longer carried fear and uncertainty about whether what I was eating was harming me.

Best of all, I felt like Gail was a partner and guide during the process. She responded patiently to all my questions in between our sessions, and also shared other mental, emotional, and energetic guidance that was spot on. I’d recommend her work to anyone!” 
~ Lia L, South America

“Gail is so completely grounded in her work. She’s embodied, and completely in tune with her clients. Within a week of my first cleanse I felt more calm, more peaceful and more able to meet the demands of my day because I felt so relaxed in my body. Gail doesn’t put you on a diet, she helps you understand which foods support you and which foods distract you from living with more aliveness. She does all of this with humor and kindness. I can’t recommend her enough. “
~ Laurie Wagner, writer

“I’ve had such a positive experience working with Gail. She is down to earth and no nonsense. She really sees things clearly. The energy work she did on me in the first session took me from not being able to eat without significant pain, to eating comfortably overnight! The diet she intuited for me after that helped me to feel better than I have in years! “
~ Karina Colliat/Oakland, CA

“There aren’t too many opportunities in life to be fully exposed to a truly authentic healing energies. Gail just happen to be that gift that one can’t afford to miss, you owe it to yourself.

In a few hours of a workshop and an amazing dinner prepared by Gail, I have received so much beauty and wisdom. So grateful to know her.”
~ Anatoly Volokh, San Anselmo,CA

” If you’re looking for a way to practice listening to your body and trust your intuitive wisdom Gail’s workshop is a great resource.She’ll introduce you to the steps to taking control of your own well-being, harnessing the power of your mind and healing your physical body. She is a mentor I am indebted to. I have referred countless clients to her.”
~ Charna Cassell, MA, MFT/SF, CA

“I highly recommend Gail‘s intuitive guidance as well as her workshops. I went to her workshop twice in one week just to anchor the learning. Gail’s offerings have continued to create radical and powerful shifts in my thinking.
So grateful she and I found each other!”  
Kris Richardson Brewer/SF, CA

“Gail is a gifted healer and teacher. In her workshops she reconnects you to your body’s natural intelligence and helps you nourish and heal yourself based on your body’s ever changing needs. I can’t recommend Gail’s sessions and her workshops enough. I recommend Gail to every friend with health or food sensitivities issues. To this day, everyone of them has improved.”
Aja/Woodacres, CA

“Thank you so much! Best session I’ve ever had!!! I feel so much love in my heart.”
Kathy Olivotti/Dallas, TX

“Working with Gail has been truly transformative. I came to her with a plate full of challenges, afraid of trying new foods due to symptoms of histamine intolerance. Gail helped me understand my body and how it interacts with and gains nourishment from foods in a new light. She freed me from many of my fears. Instead of a plate chock full of anxiety, I now fill my plate with a much wider array of foods. Trust in Gail and her method. You will see it is not hers but your process she is following. She will teach you how to tune into that which your body already knows, bringing you into balance, and setting you on the path to lasting health.”
Emily Limaye/OR

“The time I spent with Gail learning about the Intuitive process and energy was worth every moment of my time, and time should be taken very seriously.  It wasn’t simply something to hear it was a skill that she is great at teaching and I can carry it out in my daily journey to reach my self goals and continue to become a healthier, happier me.  The incredible recipes she has created and shared have changed my outlook on what “healthy” can taste like.  Aside from her cooking and teaching, her energy and attitude are so contagious.  I’m glad that through this journey we have become friends and we can share questions, thoughts and ideas with each other.  She not only worked with my Mother (to improve her health) and I, but she also worked with my horses and taught me things about them that will make our relationship stronger as well.  I can’t say enough about how beneficial meeting Gail at that time in my journey has been; however, I can say I know that her book will be nothing short of amazing and help others to realize different ways to use foods they may not have heard of before! Congratulations my friend!”
Johnny Hogan/OK

“I thank God often for bringing Intuitive Chef Gail Blair into my life. I started seeing her for food compatibility testing about 10 months ago. I had been very sick for months and resembled a skeleton. I saw several doctors and even a holistic doctor 2000 miles away. I was afraid to look in the mirror and eating wasn’t a comfortable experience most of the time.

Her Intuitive Food Charts took the guess work out of eating. I focused on the foods my body wanted and was quickly needing a new chart regularly with exciting new foods on it that I’d never dreamed of being able to eat again.  I committed to the process, no matter what ideas I’d held about the surprises on the chart. Dairy and coffee took a leap of faith, but I love them both and so happy they are back!  I am back up to a healthy weight and I LOVE to eat again!”
Kristen Vega/Richardson, TX

“Everyone would benefit from the “Food IS Talking” Workshop. It’s a perfect way to get to know yourself and build trust with your intuition.”
Jennifer Cummings – My Heart Reiki/Richardson, TX

“Gail’s workshop is engaging, enlightening and inspiring. This workshop validated my abilities and I know that I can now go forward and intuitively know what will be helpful to my body.”
Daina Volodka/Frisco, TX

“My session with Gail was fascinating and enlightening.  She helped me narrow down a long list of foods to determine which ones would agree with my system.  Eating those foods definitely felt great and it was such a relief not to be constantly wondering what to eat!!!”
Dr. Deb Kern/Austin, TX

“About 6 months ago I was having some issues with my energy levels, sleep, and digestion and my thyroid was hurting which was causing me to worry My lab test was positive for Hashimoto’s. I was scared and I did not know how to treat this– and neither did anyone else. I found Gail through a friend and after following the food charts, I was feeling much better within a week. Knowing which foods to eat allowed my body to heal– my gut, my adrenals, and my thyroid. The fear is gone and I know how to take care of myself. Additionally, after taking a workshop with Gail last weekend, I know how to test myself for food compatibility. Food is medicine. Thank you Gail!”
Tanya Z/Oakland, CA

“Gail Blair you are amazing!! Thank you so much for such an extraordinary session today. I feel confident and validated in the food choices I will be making. I have been praying for someone like you to come into my life and here you are!! I gained so much information and understanding about what is going on with me physically and spiritually. You are so comprehensive and thorough that I felt so completely empowered after our session was over.

I am very much looking forward to your upcoming workshop! Anyone who is interested in understanding what is going on in their body and what they need to balance it, NEEDS to make an appointment with you! What an incredible gift you have! Thank you!!!”
Jennifer Cummings – My Heart Reike/Richardson, TX

“Gail’s chakra clearing and balancing process was the most amazing healing experience I have ever had. She was able to help me release lifetimes of grief and lack and finally open to my own magnificence. I am now fully aligned to joy and my life’s purpose. I can’t wait to fully live into every day of the rest of my life.”
Aja Duncan/Woodacre, CA

“Hey, Hey, Hey…… Well all blood work and test are in and today I saw my doctor. NO DIABETES — clear and basically no thyroid issues either. By the way I went to the dentist about 2 weeks ago and she went to clean my teeth and she was so shocked that there was almost nothing to clean. She said a little bit of coffee stain. I don’t drink coffee. The dentist came in and said don’t know what you have done but this was great. Just had to tell you all the good news. You told me I was clear of the diabetes and in the four years with doctors and loosing almost 40 pounds I was never told I was clear. Your intuitive gift was such a life and game changer for me. I wasn’t expecting the great dental report. Bonus. I don’t mind at all you using this. My lab reports prove it. “
Judy Kelley/Denton, TX

“For years I’ve tried every diet in the book, lose some weight without enjoying food and then gain it right back. Gail’s Food Compatibility Consultation was an eye opener. For the 1st time I now understand what specific foods my body needs to be healthy. I was able to bring my body into balance within 10 days. The bonus was losing 10 pounds exactly where I wanted to lose them while eating as much as I wanted with the foods compatible for my body. Gail is a genius at creating recipes that are delicious, easy to make and family friendly. I can’t say enough about how freeing it is to finally understand what I need for my body. The fun part is that Gail’s intuitive approach along with a great big helping of common sense is served with a side of humor.”
Marie Guthrie- Quantum Leader Foundation Program/Colleyville, TX

“Gail’s gift is amazing, combining intuition with proper nutrition. She was able to pinpoint certain foods that my wife and I needed to avoid and other things that we need to be eating. Following here advice we are now seeing improvements in our health.Plus she shared great health recipes.”
Pete Taboada – Visionary & Spiritual Artist/Little Elm, TX

“Gail, thank you so much!! I had so much fun and learned a lot from you. I’m looking forward to making some of the recipes from your cookbook and have already started incorporating the foods you recommend. You truly inspired me and got me super motivated to start making positive changes. I’ve already started sharing all of the wonderful things you taught me with my family. I look forward to learning even more! Love and blessings.”
Alisha//Denton, TX