I received a message from Spirit for a client the other day. She suffers from digestive distress. I heard…
“Do you want to be free? You will have to get free from chronic negative thoughts. They sabotage your health and well-being and disrupt peaceful digestion of “what is”. Make up your mind”.
If your thoughts and actions are out of integrity with what you say you want, you will never have what you want. In this case, the client says she wants health and well-being but doesn’t expect to have it. Doesn’t believe she can have it. Her thoughts and spoken words question if it is truly possible. She is denying what she wants when she asked, “Will I always struggle?” She is focused on the struggle…
The struggle is a result of “early programming”. Of course, we all want health and well-being. But what if there is a part of you that is constantly telling you it is not possible based on your childhood experience to have it? And, what if this thought is running in the background so that you are often not “aware” of it? Then you are constantly opposing what you say you want…unknowingly.
Science says, what we focus on becomes… We are creating unconsciously until we move into the conscious mind what is running us from behind. It takes an intentional, conscious effort to do this and then realign or remove the thoughts that are opposing our good. One Minute Meditation is a powerful tool for doing just this!
You cannot change what you are not aware of. You may be very surprised at how often you are thinking about what you “do not want” when you become totally aware of your thoughts. One Minute Meditation was a miracle for me in the baby days of my practice. Stepping into my most fulfilling Highest Work, Spirit made it clear I would need a clear mind.
It goes like this. Set an intention to hear the thoughts you are often not aware of. Every waking hour stop (set a timer) and focus on your breath for one minute. Have a journal with you. NO judgment of the thoughts is allowed; you would just be judging a child that “learned” the untruth about themselves. Just notice them and go back to your breathing. Afterwards, write them down and re-align with what you want.
For instance; if you are thinking about how a co-worker is stressing you out, you are lining up with what you do not want. You can tell. Your body responds with constriction. You hold your breath. You tense up. This energy is not in alignment with health and well-being. It is sabotaging your body’s inborn ability to heal itself. Realignment example: Say… “Peace is always at hand. I choose peace.” Breathe in peace…
I pray you find this helpful.
In love, gratitude and service,
P.S. Enjoy a sample from the book along with the delicious sample recipe below!
Get the book here: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0C1TKRR6W/
“Let’s face it — no one wants to suffer on the road to health. The recipes in this book are designed with everyone in mind and with one single goal — to deliver on my promise that healthy food TASTES GREAT! All it takes is a pinch of imagination and an ounce of knowledge. These recipes have been test driven to every kind of food lover, from “meat lovers” to “vegetable haters”.
Thank you to all my family, friends, and clients who experienced and put your stamp of approval on these recipes. The consensus is: This is a Delicious Way to Detox!
You will enjoy these recipes long after detox. And, they are compatible with most 10-day detox programs. Choose from a variety of fantastic, simple to prepare meals, snacks, and smoothies. These recipes are easy to follow. I’ve even included what staple foods and tools you will need in addition to tips that will make you a rock star in the kitchen. You add the love and the food will LOVE you back!
Give your body the “clean slate” it needs to get on the right track to good health. If you are trying to nail down what foods might be causing you problems, this book naturally removes the most common allergens such as: corn, wheat, soy, dairy, eggs and all additives and preservatives. You will easily be able to determine after detox which of these foods are irritating to your body by adding them back to your diet gradually, one at a time*. Along the way you will lose your cravings for fake, processed foods and start craving, delicious, fresh, bright flavors from the good green earth.
*Want to know what foods are most compatible to your body before you begin? Go here to schedule an Intuitive Food Compatibility Session with Gail: https://www.foodrevelation.com/schedule/
“The Taste buds don’t care if the food is plant, animal or healthy
as long as it’s delicious!”