In order to create what we want, we must release any thoughts that oppose what we want. As children of Source Creator, we inherited the power of creation. Our most powerful creative tool is the focus of our thoughts. Quantum Physics with the “Double Slit” experiment proved this Spiritual Truth.
Nothing was ever created that wasn’t thought of first!
We are moving from being “unconscious” creators to “on purpose, conscious creators” as we move into the light of consciousness, all unconscious thinking and consciously focus on what we all truly desire…a peaceful, joyful, happy, abundant life full of love! This is our true way of being.
These are the tools that have worked for me and many others over the years. Some have come from others and some have come to me. They are all Divinely Inspired.
The challenge for all of us is to use the tools all the time, especially when the going gets tough. In the tough times we tend to throw our toolbox out the window. I know… I’ve done it plenty.
Don’t give up! There will come a time with diligent use of these and vigilance you will find yourself consistently creating what you want and living a joyous life. I know… I’ve done that too. The occasional clog in the wheel of your happiness and peace will then simply be your sign to stop and observe the message life is sending.
You can trust your life! If you look back on your life, it is easy to see that what you focused on became. Your life doesn’t lie. It clearly tells you when you are in or out of alignment with your Good. If life is flowing…keep going (in that direction). If life stops…a door shuts; a road block appears, STOP and ask questions. “I wonder what this is for?”
Final note: If you think that life just happens, then you are at the mercy of life…a victim with no power to change your circumstance. You are not limited, because Spirit (of which you are) is not limited. You know or have seen people that seemed so limited and did amazing things!
When we own our creations we are owning the Powerful Creator we are! If you can create what you do not want, then you can just as easily create what you want, just by re-focusing the mind.
The Tools
1. Value/Integrity Discernment Tool:
If you don’t know what you want; or you know but you are not in integrity with it, life will be hard. That’s where the “Value/Integrity” tool comes in. When your thoughts are in integrity with what you say you want, your experiences will begin to align with your values. With nothing opposing what you want; no conflict of interest, no contradictions, you will bring to you what you want. It is the Law of the Universe. You cannot receive what YOU have not asked for. You asked for this life experience. You are asking with your thoughts and feelings. A vibratory match is always on its way.
Someone ask me one day why “pure evil” seems to prosper when good people seem to live in so much lack. Spirit said, “Pure evil has no opposition…it’s pure. It operates unopposed. You could say it has no conscience. Pure Good is even more powerful because in operates in Truth.”
Ask yourself in meditation what 3 things are most important to you in life. And, then think about being at the end of your life and what was important looking back; what’s important may change. Don’t rush. If you have never asked this question, it might take a bit to get clear on it. Once you know what they are, write them down.
When you are struggling with stress and worry or with a choice or decision, run your thoughts or choices by the measuring stick you just created. Simply ask yourself, “Is this thought or choice in alignment with what I say is important to me?” It will be easy to discern. Now, you can discard the thought that is not in alignment and replace it with what is.
Here are my top 3 values and how I use them as a measuring stick for my thoughts:
a. Freedom. Is my thought in alignment with freedom or is it trapping me in a downward spiral of negativity and causing constriction in my body. My breath will tell me.
b. Health and well-being. Is my thought contributing to my health or creating dis-ease?
c. Harmonious relationships. Is my thought creating harmony or disharmony within (my feelings)? They will be made manifest without (in my relationships).
This is a wondrously freeing tool!
2. One Minute Meditation Tool:
Get a journal, small enough to take wherever you go. Set your phone alarm to go off every hour and sit with your breath for 1 minute. Set an intention to have any negative, unconscious thinking rise into your conscious mind during this one minute. Notice the thought and go back to your breathing. Afterwards, right down in your journal what thought was opposing what you want. It is very important not to judge any judgmental, negative thoughts. A client said this to me one day and I had to laugh! “That would be compound judgment!” Judgement is what buried our Truth to begin with and it will keep us buried.
Immediately after the meditation (if you have time) or at the end of the day, re-align the thoughts that are opposing what you want with what your truly desire. Use the next tool…One Command.
3. One Command (by Asara Lovejoy)
Any negative or opposing thought can be re-aligned with the One Command practice. Get the book and learn how to effectively create what you want by aligning with the vibration of it in the Quantum Field. There is a scientific element to this that is fascinating! I can attest this magical tool works if you work it! It changed my life from living with just enough to living abundantly without worry.
4. Commanding your Spirit Tool: You are Spirit! Your breath is your Spirit! You can call on this Power within to help you stay in your “Heart Space”; your loving nature. This is a powerful tool past down to me by my mentor. Say…
“I Command my Spirit to take my thoughts into my heart”. Repeat 2 more times and count back from 10 – 1. Take a big deep breath to restore your mind. It is so!
5. Hold ALL situations and people including YOU in the Light:
See the Light of Love infuse and surround you/them and the situation. Ask your Spirit, “Show me a Higher Perspective”. Or, “Show me the Perfect Solution that will bring light and healing to this situation.” Without judgmental thoughts in the way you will receive it.
6. Stay in your own business and respect others’ journeys:
One of the most important lessons I’ve learned and one of the hardest! You will get dragged through the mud when you are interfering with another’s journey. Ask your Spirit, “What is mine to do?” Sometimes it is only to love people from afar. Focus on what you want for them; see them happy, healthy and enjoying life. If you have a part, let your Spirit guide you into the Right Action that will support healing.
7. Your breath is the most powerful clearing tool: It is your Spirit! A deep breath can clear negativity; non-beneficial energies and restore peace of mind in an instant! Remember the old saying, “Take a deep breath and count to 10?”
8. Stay protected from non-beneficial energies by staying out of judgment and fear. The minute you are judging someone else you have connected to their fear. When you are judging yourself, you have connecting with fearful experiences of the past.
If you find yourself going down a rabbit hole of fear and negativity, use your breath to clear and put your protective shield back up around your energy field. Note; a negative thought will not crumple your protection; we are in a human experience. Going down deep rabbit holes with negativity will. Anxiety, spinning thoughts and nightmares; any dis-ease are all signs you are not clear or protected..
9. Use alignment tool to re-align with Truth. See a white/gold rod moving through all your chakras and extending upward into the galaxies into infinity and downward through Mother Earth, the galaxies and into infinity. Say, “I am grounded in Truth and Anchored in Love in all of space and time and eternity”. See this alignment up and down and then extend around you, moving outward. Breathe deep…it is done!
10. Tools for staying out of judgement: Like a picture is revealed in a dark room, the contrast; darkness is revealing us. It creates the hard knocks in life we wake up to. Who are we to judge what hard knock will finally cause someone to open the door to their Truth? Our judgment keeps others buried. It keeps us buried. Self-judgment is what buried us to begin with.
As we forgive our own self-judgments we become the mirror of Love that other’s see themselves clearly in…as Love. It starts with Self-Love. We can and must keep ourselves protected from those that are operating out of pain and fear. They can be dangerous; and at the same time, we can stay out of judgment.
Use these tools in lightness; without judgment. Laugh A LOT! Laugh at yourself. Don’t take life so seriously! You are here to enjoy life, not to be at the mercy of it.
In love, gratitude and service,