Staying present with what’s on your daily plate.
I hear this all the time, “I’m so overwhelmed!” This was a common theme in my life and for many I know until I understood this: It is not what is happening that is causing this overwhelmed feeling. It is what I’m “thinking” about what is happening that is the cause. When I am thinking, I am not present with what is happening…I’m in my head. We cannot be “thinking” and “being” present at the same time.
Once “overwhelm” takes over it can be hard to stop the anxiety that accompanies it and pull yourself out of the downward spiral. This system will help keep you from spirally out of control to begin with. And, if you are like me, “a little ADD” the system I’m about to share has worked magic in keeping me focused and present. Before I discovered this, it would take me forever to just clean the house. I would start in 1 room and go into another to get something, and BAM, I’m off and running in that room without finishing the room I exited. Can you relate?
Someone suggested I try a “Day Planner”. That was a nightmare! I also tried a huge wall calendar. The fuller the page or calendar the more overwhelmed I felt, until I literally felt paralyzed. It became clear to me, the systems that work for so many, were not working for me. I needed a system that would keep track of my “To Do List” and at the same time help keep me focused only with what was currently on my plate. This idea hit me one day as I was staring at all the Sticky Notes on my desk; reminding me of all that was left undone!
I call this method “The Sticky Note Weekly Planning System”. Not very glamorous, but it works!
1. First Step: You will need a journal (make it light and fun!)
Block off about an hour on the weekend (or your days off) to Divinely Plan your week. Get grounded and still. Reflect on the projects you would like to complete. Write the projects down in your journal as they flow into your mind. Don’t think too hard. Just let them come. DON’T number them.
Choose your words carefully. Words are powerful energy that can help or hinder. They have a vibration. Some are higher vibrational than others. For instance; you might have noticed I used the word “like” rather than “want or have to”. It feels lighter. “Projects” and “complete” feels lighter to me than “task” and “accomplish”. I use the online dictionary a lot to find acronyms that “feel” better.
2. Once you have your list, ask yourself, “Is this list complete. And, is this all “mine” to do this week?” Be still and let the answer be revealed. You may discover some things can wait and should wait (this is not the same as procrastination). Or maybe you have bit off more than you can chew. Or, that you can put some of what is on your plate on someone else’s. I used to think I had to do it all myself or it wouldn’t get done; or done right. My ex-husband called that way of thinking, “Do It Self Me Syndrome”…LOL. Letting go of that idea saved me a LOT of anxiety and time.
There are several ways you may hear “Spirit” answer. Try just asking the question and taking a deep breath. Your breath is Spirit and therefore can be the best discernment tool. Can you take a complete breath while holding the question in your mind? This is a good sign you’re on the right track. Is there a hitch or hang-up; constriction anywhere in the body with the breath? This is a good sign your list has a cliché somewhere, maybe for one of the reason stated above.
Pay close attention to the body as you breathe. You may feel a discernible lightness or heaviness in the body with your question. The lightness is saying YES. The heaviness…NO. You may even hear the answer (we all will eventually as the mind declutters).
You may use a tool if none of these methods seem to give you a clear answer (remembering your natural way of receiving can take some time. It has been taught out of us). Your body is an amazing tool in itself! Stand relaxed with your feet hip distance apart. Get grounded; see your roots growing from your feet into Mother Earth until your feet feel heavy or tingle. Then, fold your hands over your chest. Ask first to see how your body responds to a “Yes and No” question:
Say, “Show me a YES”. Your body may sway forward. This is a YES. Say, “Show me a NO”. A backward movement is a NO (unless your polarity is reversed and then the answers will be backwards; another reason to test your yes’s and no’s before you start asking questions. Most of you know what “reversed polarity” means. If not, reach out.
The first time you experience these movements, it may be overwhelming! OMG! This is for REAL! Our bodies are a conduit to Source; Our Creator; GOD. They become better and better receivers as we declutter our bodies and minds. If you got excited….ground again.
3. Now comes the really fun part! Put the list in “Divine Order”. You may be completely surprised that what you thought was most important on your list… may not be.
Note: To receive Divine Guidance, it is crucial to get your head out of the way. Spirit will not argue with you. If you have already made up your mind you will get the answer “you think” is right. This is called “Free Will” and what science calls “The Placebo Effect”. This following statement works well at bypassing the mind…
“I don’t care what the answer is. My only desire is to know the Truth”.
State it and take a deep clearing breath to clear the body and mind. Using any of the methods above that work for you begin putting your list in Divine Order.
While holding the first item on your list in your mind, ask “Is this number 1 on my list? Breathe and discern. If you get a NO, then go to the next item and do the same. Continue asking and receiving; denoted the appropriate number by the project on your list until all is in Divine Order.
Write down project number 1 and maybe number 2 on Sticky Notes. NO more than 2 to start. Over time I have been able to have 3 or 4 sticky notes on my desk without feeling pressured as I get better and better at staying present. The visual of seeing the Sticky Notes disappear as I move from project to project is very rewarding!
4. See in your “Mind’s Eye” all the other projects contained in separate bubbles that are placed on a shelf where they will remain until you are ready to pull the next one down; write it on a Sticky Note and place it on your desk (or refrigerator). I am forever grateful for my mentor for this wonderful visual!
Now close your journal. You know the old saying, “Out of sight, out of mind”. You can relax now knowing you will not forget anything. It is written in your journal and it is safe on a shelf. You will not look at your journal or think about what else is on your list until you complete these first 1 or 2 projects on your Sticky Notes. The less I have to remember, the better. It leaves my mind clear for “receiving”.
An “Automated Scheduling System” was one of the best investments I’ve ever made for my business and personal planning. I don’t busy my mind with keeping track of client appointments anymore and I can block off any personal time I desire. I also may intuit how long it will take me to finish a project and block off that time accordingly so clients cannot book in.
With clients all over the US and beyond, “Time Zones” can be a challenge (I know some of you are laughing right now, remembering how I’ve messed up your appointment times trying to schedule sessions on my own). The scheduler takes care of all of it! I’ve used ACUITY for years and love it!
5. Get set for success! Start your day by doing some breath work to empower and align you with Truth. I’m into the Wim Hof breathing technique. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzCaZQqAs9I ) I set an intention for every in and out breath (whatever feels supportive for that day). For instance I might say, “With every breath in and out let Healing Light shine within and without!” I see God’s Light expand in my body from every chakra into all the meridians and into the physicality. Then, I see that Divine Light expand outward into my day; lighting my path with ease, joy and glory. I see this Healing Light continue to expand further to others and into the world.
I then see a white gold rod pierce all my chakras and continue to extend upward into infinity above my head and extend downward into infinity below my feet. I state, “I am grounded in Truth and anchored in Love.” And I AM! I am raring to go!
Last note: It may be helpful for you to start with the planning of just one day then move into weekly planning as you practice “Staying Present with Planning” (another blog coming soon).
If this sounds like something that might work for you, as it has for me and others, I would love to hear about your experience. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out!
In love, gratitude and service,