Here is Part One in case you missed it:https://www.foodrevelation.com/healing-the-relationship-with-food-part-one/
Healing the body for many may mean re-establishing the relationship with our collective mother “Mother Nature”…What I call God’s Birthing Place. The nurturing “organic” substanence for all forms of life comes from this womb.
The archaic definition of “organic” is “instrumental”. Mother Nature is instrumental in the formation and nurturing of our bodies.
Merriam Webster also defines organic as “organize”. There is an organized structure to the creation of life. Also, the word “fundamental” comes up. This organic structure Mother Nature provides is fundamental in forming (informing) the “organized” organic whole.
A chemical reaction occurs when combining organic matter. It is not the fundamental cause. It cannot happen without the building blocks (the organization) that Mother Nature has already provided.
With all this being said, it makes sense that to rejuvenate, restore and maintain this human body and all bodies in nature for that matter, we need the perfect structure and building blocks that Mother Nature provides. The chemical process is a step removed from this or can be many steps removed.
It is true we can raise the vibration of our food with our love and gratitude prayers and bring it more in alignment with what we need. However, the more chemical a food becomes the further removed it is from Source and its nurturing, life sustaining energy. Organic food is naturally most compatible to our organic bodies.
So, does this mean we must always strive for Mother Nature’s perfection in what we eat? NO. Perfection is not a requirement in life. Ironically, the need for perfection can take us out of alignment with our health and happiness by creating stress. Judgement = Stress. The body makes acid when under stress making it very hard to maintain a healthy pH.
If you are very inflexible with your food; always eating “the right” thing for fear of getting sick or beating yourself up for eating the “wrong thing”, the fear and judgment will sabotage your best efforts. Fear is the energy behind all eating disorders; whether it is eating for perfection or eating to destroy perfection (your body).
Intention is everything. If you are a “health nut” you can know if fear is running the show by asking one simple question. “Am I eating to honor my body and support my God-given health or avoid dis-ease?”
If you answered yes to the latter, you may want to take a closer look at what you are really trying to avoid. What is the underlying fear? As we undercover these fears, we uncover our Truth. Someone said it like this (I can’t remember who), “Fear is just an initiation into fearlessness”.
There is “nothing for nothing”.
Every experience we have in life brings us closer and closer to our True Nature….LOVE. Through my experience with many clients over the years, I’ve come to realize, for many the relationship with food is mirroring a childhood perception of what “love is” based on their experience with a mother figure. For instance; they may have felt unnurtured.
Stay Tuned for Part 3 of “Healing the Relationship with Food”. … When the relationship with food is mirroring a mother/child relationship. In this part I will share real life success stories from my client files.
Thank you for tuning in and sharing. Until next time, here’s to your Peace, Joy, LOVE and abundant Health!
Chef Gail

Curious if a Food IS Talking Intuitive Food Compatibility
Session with The Intuitive Chef can help you? Schedule a “No Charge” 15 minute exploratory session here: https://www.foodrevelation.com/schedule/
About Gail:
Gail Blair’s intuitive journey began as she began working her passion for food in 2009. In 2012 she birthed “Food Revelation” not having clue how relevant the name would prove to be. Shortly thereafter she experienced a “spiritual awakening” and her intuitive gifts were ignited.
As a plant-based chef turned Food & Medical Intuitive she has helped hundreds all over the U.S. and Canada remember their natural, God-given health through her “Food ISTalking” Intuitive Food Compatibility process.
Over the years, as her gifts have expanded, she has become a conduit for revelation (the name she gives to the Divine Wisdom she receives). The 7 most important revelations led her to create the Evolution of FREE Health books and video series. The “Evolution of FREE Health” is the remembrance of our natural, God-given health.
The first book released in 2016, “The Quinoa Cookbook Journey” is a super creative and tasty introduction into the series. The 2nd book in the Evolution of FREE Health series, “The 7 Missing Links to Abundant & Sustainable Health” is the focus of her latest speaking tour and the video series she is releasing to the public as she goes through the publishing process.
Keep up with Gail at:
Intuitive Chef Gail Blair on YouTube
Disclaimer: I am not a doctor or licensed nutritionist. I am an intuitive. Services and information provided in the form of tips, recipes, and nutrition advice does not qualify as a substitution for your medical doctor’s protocol or advice. I encourage you to trust your instincts and do what feels right to you, but seek guidance from your doctor concerning your health and wellness.