In January I bought a new computer from Amazon to place my ancient one. It arrived and was set up with ease, joy, and glory. It didn’t take long to realize it had some major issues; randomly shutting down and file indexing problems.
My wonderful team at Invisus went way beyond the call of duty to try to solve these issues. I cannot recommend them enough. Do you like getting a real person that can really help you on the line on the first ring? If you love good customer service as much as I do, check them out. Ask for Sam – he is amazing!
We concluded this was a hardware issue and it would be best to send the computer back. Somehow, I missed the 30-day deadline to send it back to Amazon. So much easier. So, I had to send it back to the supplier. They were awesome too and sent me a RMA label right away. My son came over and helped me get it packed up. Thank goodness I kept all the packaging!
Now the fun starts…
I arrange a pickup online for a Wednesday with instructions for the driver to ring the doorbell. Late afternoon I get an email that my pickup has been completed and I’m given a tracking number. The pickup did not happen. I still had the computer.
I get a hold of a live person at UPS (not an easy feat) and convinced them the computer was not picked up. They agreed to send out the driver again the next day. It was raining cats and dogs when he arrived. The front walk was flooded so he had to come around to the driveway. I had the box ready to go at the end of the carport so he could load it up without getting too wet. It all happened in a flash. As soon as he pulled away, I realized he did not scan the label. They always scan the package! Otherwise, it will not be in the system and not traceable. My mind is already spinning on WHAT I DON’T WANT.
I go through the rig-a-ma-row to get UPS on the line again. They assured me since it was later in the day, the pickup confirmation and tracking number would show up in the system the next day. It did not. 4 days later I still did not have a tracking number. I realized what I had done! I created perfectly what I DID NOT WANT!
I went to my dad laughing my butt off and explained what had happened. He was worrying about it too. He understood very well what I had done. I can’t count how many times I’ve said to him, “Think about what you want – Not what you don’t!” He totally gets it, but has had a hard time breaking the habit of worry. Apparently, I have not totally broken the habit either!
Now, it was time to undo this! I just need to change my focus. “One Command” was introduced to me early on in my healing journey. It is one of the most powerful manifestation tools I’ve ever used to align with what I want. I think of it as a form of prayer. I’m aligning with the good that is already waiting for me. I don’t get too specific. For instance, I just want the situation resolved. I don’t know how that will happen and I surely don’t want to get in the way. So, I set this intention, “This or better please.” Sometimes God’s Good shows up in unexpected ways…
This was my One Command that day, “I don’t know how this situation gets resolved with ease, joy, and glory, I only know it does now!And, I am grateful and fulfilled.”
Here is the link to read more about this magical tool and the creator.
Another call to UPS and I was finally connected to someone in Dallas. They explained to me the seller would have to file a claim since this was picked up on an RMA, something no one up to that point had mentioned. That made since to me.
Then I find myself thinking, “Okay, there is no proof the package was ever picked up from me and I’m at the mercy of the seller to file a claim. It looks like I may be out $950 dollars”. There I go again! Thinking about WHAT I DON’T WANT …LOL. It seems the more dollars at stake the more there is to worry about. Money always gets our goat…right?
I was aware immediately of what I was thinking. I reminded myself this situation is already resolved and took a deep breath and let it go…the breath and the worry.
I had been chatting online with the seller’s customer service rep and was guided to find a telephone number and pick up the phone. The nicest person answered right away. No hold, no transfer. It was late Friday and he suggested we wait until the following Tuesday to start a claim in case it showed up late Monday.
There was still no tracking number in the system when I called Tuesday morning. He put me on hold to go check with the receiving dept on the off chance it had arrived and wasn’t scanned when received. It did arrive that very morning! A miracle! Without a tracking number, this package could have been in limbo no telling how long!
The nice person told me a credit would be issued to my credit card in about 5 working days. Another miracle… The credit showed up that Sunday (a non-working day).
It’s amazing how easy it is to fall into the old habit of fear even when you know how it works! I’m not sure why this happened other than to test me and provide me with a really good story! A great one for the Monthly Miracle Board hanging on the refrigerator. Have you got one yet?
Happy Creating!