Today I’m sharing a preview of the 4th Missing Link in the upcoming book, “The 7 Missing Links to Abundant & Sustainable Health”. The “onion peeling” continues…
In case you missed the first 3 Missing Links, you can find them here:
Missing Link #4 – Chronic physical imbalance begins at the “unconscious thought” level.
It doesn’t matter if your fearful, stressful “acidic thoughts” are conscious or unconscious, the body responds the same way. It makes acid. It becomes inflamed. When thoughts are unconscious, no matter how much you practice “positive thinking” you still feel bad; emotionally and physically. You are powerless to make any lasting change. Discouragement and hopelessness set in.
Many clients find me when they are at the end of their rope. When they’ve been to doctor after doctor and tried all kinds of healing modalities. Some have suffered for years, a lifetime or multiple lifetimes, and that can be what it takes to start the healing process. Many people are not motivated to seek resolution until they are sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Some believe the “Law of Attraction” is not real, because they have already proven to themselves their “positive thinking” and “conscious focus” on what they want is not creating the desired results.
“Cause and Effect” is another name for this Law of the Universe. Which means, what we think, feel and do are the cause and our experience is the effect. Our emotional responses (how we feel) and how we view the world are the result of what we believe based on our current and past life experiences.
All of us made decisions very early on about what we believe about ourselves, love and even God. Some of our decisions were made even before we had words, as early as in the womb. If we came to believe we are not good enough, life will prove it to us. If we came to believe the world is a scary place, then we will experience the world as such. If we came to believe that love hurts, then love will cause hurt. If we came to believe in a God of punishment, wrath, and torture, we will live a life full of fear and fear physical death.
These early beliefs run deep. We can go an entire lifetime, never realizing that at the root of our misery, are beliefs we formed as a child with a child’s mind that simply were never true. What is running from behind in the unconscious mind, may have run and ruined your life. Or, so it seems…
The Good News! Our Hardest Knocks in Life Contain the Biggest Nuggets! The subject of Missing Link #5. Stay tuned…

The 7 Missing Links to Abundant & Sustainable Health” – Missing Link #4 preview
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